Ensure Efficient Use of Fiber Facilities
Rapidly assess fiber status to identify fibers available for
provisioning, expansion, or lease. The user is able to systematically
plan expansions to optimize the utilization of existing facilities and
design according to loss-budgets.
Improve Asset Management with Centralized Data
Provides a single repository for the network’s supporting
documentation, including as-built drawings, pictures, and CAD schematic
drawings. The user is able to add, edit, and manage all fiber
facilities, including strand, splice, span, equipment, racks, and
Secure Service Continuity
Test for and design with ring diversity to ensure clients and customers have sustainable service.
Access Data Conveniently
accurate and seamless views of the entire network. The user can
productively access data over the Web at any time and from anywhere in
the world.
Revolutionize Communication
Provides a collaborative environment for all network information, and
provides efficient controls of data and views among multiple
agencies/parties. Data is easily shared with engineering, operations,
field personnel, contractors, and sales and marketing teams.
Increase Maintenance Efficiency & Speed Restoration
Quickly determine which fibers serve specific devices, cabinets, or
customers, and pinpoint the exact geographic location of a fiber
outage. Users are able to perform remote updating of device attributes
such as model, serial number, and installation date.
Easy to Get Started
As an initial activity of any engagement, the NexusWorx technical staff
will develop a data implantation plan including detailed pricing. This
ensures our clients understand the process, effort, and cost required
for getting the data populated. Our dedicated data services staff
stands ready to provide cost effective, efficient, and accurate data
Data Implementation Support
Byers’ technical staff will provide a data development plan and pricing
so you know what the full effort and costs are up front. Our dedicated
data services staff provides cost-effective, efficient, and accurate
data assistance.