In today’s world, technology and communications are changing the
landscape in unprecedented ways. If your community is vibrant and
growing, chances are you have a fiber network as part of your traffic
management system. For many, this means managing the fiber
network through various disparate hard-copy systems, Excel
spreadsheets, CAD drawings or not-easily-accessed enterprise GIS
systems and the like. Perhaps you are fortunate enough to have
your network mapped in a GIS system, but your traffic device and fiber
connectivity information are elsewhere.
NexusWorx puts all these together in one easy web-access application. NexusWorx has complete ITS device asset support, as well as electrical circuit management for those who also manage distribution electrical supply to their ITS cabinets. NexusWorx is one of the few software programs designed specifically for ITS.
You will know exactly how your fiber network is connected and which fibers and electrical circuits feed which ITS devices. NexusWorx also has unlimited document management, so all relevant information is located in one place. NexusWorx is extremely affordable, allowing users of all sizes with fiber management needs to have the benefit of effective management cost-effectively. Network information can be easily shared and individually maintained for other related departments sharing fiber.
NexusWorx also provides traffic system inventory management, yet for those who already have an inventory program, the cost and value of NexusWorx, fiber asset management, is simply too good to pass up. Contact us today to find out more.